Sunday, August 18, 2013



Mind you these are just my very prejudiced picks:  I find barges sexy so go figure. PT has a shitpot of swiss watch marine carpentry detritus….. wholly outside the means and experience of the common man and dinosaur marine architecture that will fade elegantly.




Keel boats blow for offshore work (wallowing, steeply heeled lead mines) but this one is very simplistic: flush decker, outboard hung rudder, boomkin and stout boom. Lovely……


Here’s a dory with a outboard in the well, a chinese lug rig, and minor cabin (just a curtain across that rear portion), and a yuloh sculling oar. Lovely….


This is a 20 foot or so dory, with a two stroker 10 hp in a well. With a single rowing station. A bit of windage but a nice workhorse for crab pots and such.



Weston Farmers classic “Tahitiana”…. in steel and well kept up.


A decaying Wharram 32 that a guy is selling off for whatever someone offers on it. Some wood rot but for a young boat bum just getting started a good first boat…. as long as you head south to warmer water.


My personal favorite….. a classic shantyboat scow. Maybe 45 feet with a 10 beam or so. Perfect as the base boat in sheltered waters with a adventure sailboat tied alongside.


Nice full roof for the rainy pacific northwest…… catch a lot of drinking water off a roof like this. Solar panels, wind gens, and such…… pure D lovely…


Nice bit of sheer and a sexy upturn to the stern. Same entrancing space on the stern…. covered and perfect to pee off of, sink beer bottles, and haul rockfish up on. Wood stove blazing inside, the keys clattering softly on the pooter, the cat asleep on the windowsill, the wind howling over the top of a protected spit….. oh yeah…….


Lots of this crap in this harbor of the mecca for wood boatbuilding and classic wood yachts. Stuff with six figure “for sale” tags on them. Give me a break….


If you’re going to go the petro gobbling route at least have some utility to it: a classic piece of pure functionality>>>> a motor barge workboat.


Meanwhile we gunkhole in this baby about the pacific northwest, continuing to seek a good used hull. Inside rest my two chinese lugsails, a shitpot of rope and gear, and all my tools for building another boat. We have a building site lined up for winter and a catamaran idea is building steam in my belly.


Bus tomfoolery is a far cry from our old days on the Plan A….. but…. we’re getting back to it, piece by piece.

Keep the faith!!!!! Best wishes from Port Townsend, Washington.

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